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About Me

"I'm that shy kid who's really loud with his friends"

Okay, Ice Breaker Time...

I secretly liked High School Musical as a Kid. Phew! That felt good getting off my chest~ Howdy, my name is Anthony Castillo and I'm pretty sure my life has been scripted into a Disney sitcom but, here's the runaround. A little kid with big dreams grew up too nervous to speak up and be himself around others. Now he's grown up and people cant get him to shut up about the things he loves.

I was never a theater kid but, I sure did read my books like one. I absolutely love reading, so much so that like many people I'd give every character in ever novel a voice and try my best to act out every scene as it was happening. Nothing felt cooler than immersing myself in each role; Becoming that character and trying to portray their struggle through my voice. In fact, at the time I had no idea I was voice acting until I decided to see if there were other people like me. Before long I was whisked away into the beautiful online animation community, sharing my voice over stories that had none.

That day something clicked inside me. I had finally done something completely out of my own ambition and it was the most amazing feeling. Seeing people excited with each performance I had filled me with this confidence I never knew was there. Their smiles were infectious and I couldn't get enough of it.

To me, voice over isn't a job. It's a way to connect with people. I love making others smile with my silly antics behind the microphone, and I can't wait to do it for years to come. I may have been the shy kid growing up, but in the booth, I can be whatever I want to be.

So, what can I be for you?

Im also Baby.png
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